MP Supriya Sule's concluding Remark | Interim Budget Session 2024


MP Supriya Sule’s Remarks _ 'White Paper' on Indian Economy in the Lok Sabha _ 09 Feb, 2024


MP Supriya Sule’s Remarks | The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Amendment Bill, 2024.


MP Supriya Sule | The Constitution ST Order Amend & The Constitution (SC&ST) Order Amend 2024


MP Supriya Sule's Remarks General Discussion on the Interim Union Budget for 2024 25

Spoke during discussion on the Interim Budget 2024 in Lok Sabha today. Kisan virodhi sarkar - export ban on onions- preventing farmers from getting income through onion export, No data to prove doubling of farmers income, MSP % increase under UPA is more than 100% all commodities vis-a-vis around 50% during NDA Govt- demanded for complete farm loan waiver for farmers; Total wealth of country in top 1 % - how is Govt supporting wealth distribution, If poor have really decreased in the country, then why is the number of citizens offered food grains through Govt’s food security scheme not decreasing?; On Jan Dhan Yojana - why not give 3-5% interest on balance in Jan Dhan Yojana accounts when PSUs are showing profits; Given that selection rate of candidates is less than 1 % for Centra Govt jobs and 1 crore investment is able to create only 5 jobs in 2015 - questioned the Centre’s plan for creating employment opportunities for youth; Food inflation at an all time high and refills of cylinders under Ujjwala is very low - it is safe to say the Union Govt’s policies for women are a failure; EPS 95 - senior citizens not getting pension as promised -questioned the Centre on where the money went and requested it to be given to its rightful owners; Paytm is responsible for most acts of money laundering - but this same app was widely advertised as digital payments alternative during demonetisation - who is accountable for money laundering - demonetisation (Centre) or Paytm?; How has cash in circulation increased so much that it is being recovered in income tax raids?; Demonetisation had no impact on corruption, as India ranks high on Corruption Perception Index; Urged the Centre to have definite policy to regulate algorithm sensex trading, as it can be prone to manipulation giving unfair advantage to larger corporations vis-a-vis smaller investors; Compared to UPA Govt, Fiscal Deficit & Total Public Debt under NDA have increased by more than 200%; On tax devolution to states, while the 15 Finance Commission has recommended 41%, Centre devolution of taxes is 35-38%; Questioned the Centre on where does revenue from cess & surcharges go; Concluded my speech by highlighting that the 4 engines of growth - Private Consumption, Investment, Govt Expenditure, Exports - are stumbling which require immediate Centre’s attention; On capital expenditure increasing - while infrastructure investment is right, urged the Centre to also focus on farmer, youth women to make the budget more inclusive.

MP Supriya Sule | The Constitution J&K SC Order Amend & Constitution J&K ST Order Amend Bill, 2023


MP Supriya Sule's Remarks The Public Examinations Prevention of Unfair Means Bill, 2024

Supported The Public Examinations (Prevention of Unfair Means) Bill 2024 in Lok Sabha today. Raised following issues during discussion: Sought clarification from the Centre on how penalty under this Bill will be made institution centric when definition of institution is open ended. It could mean - local education dept, local administration, political patronage or state sponsored activity; Need more dialogue on how technology & AI can be leveraged to institute a cheat proof system in place and also check copying; Brought to light the Maharashtra Talathi Scam 2023-24 where 11 lakh children applied for exam, was suspended due to question paper leak. Need larger debate on whether exams papers should be outsourced or prepared by Govt officials; Sought clarification on whether coaching classes will be held accountable for guaranteeing 100% job in their advertisements; Sought clarification on how the Union Govt will track the officer or Director accountable for paper leak in technologically advanced world; If the delay and cancellation of exam is done by the Govt, then will the Govt also be held accountable & who within the Govt will be held accountable as per their Bill provisions; Concluded my speech by hoping that India would work on merit and Centre would not criminalise everyone in the system.

MP Supriya Sule's Remarks | The Jammu and Kashmir Local Bodies Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2024

MP Supriya Sule's Remarks | The Jammu and Kashmir Local Bodies Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2024

MP Supriya Sule on Reservation | Question Hour | Lok Sabha | Budget Session | Parliament


MP Supriya Sule's Remarks | Motion of Thanks on the President's Address | 02 February, 2024


MP Supriya Sule's Remarks | Zero Hour | Supriya Sule on Concession to Senior Citizens in Railway

MP Supriya Sule's Remarks | Zero Hour | Supriya Sule on Concession to Senior Citizens in Railway लोकसभेत शून्य प्रहारादरम्यान रेल्वे तिकिटासाठी ज्येष्ठ नागरिकांची देण्यात येणारी सवलत पुन्हा सुरू करावी अशी मागणी केली. कोव्हिड काळामध्ये ज्येष्ठ नागरिकांना रेल्वे तिकीटासाठी असलेली सवलत बंद करण्यात आली. परंतु अद्याप ही सवलत पुन्हा सुरू करण्यात आली नाही. यामुळे त्यांच्यावर आर्थिक भार पडतो आहे. देशाच्या विकासामध्ये मोठे योगदान असलेल्या ज्येष्ठ नागरिकांना रेल्वे तिकीटमध्ये सवलत देऊन त्यांना आधार द्यावा अशी मागणी संसदेत केली. Raised the need to revive senior citizen concession on rail ticket in zero hour in Lok Sabha today. The government should reinstate the senior citizen concession in train ticket fares, which was suspended in 2020 to curb the spread of Covid-19, placing a substantial financial burden on our elderly citizens. The Indian Railways, which used to provide a 40 per cent discount for males aged 60 years or more and 50 per cent for females over 58 years, made life considerably easier for the elderly. Since the Centre has budget for bullet trains and rail budget exceeds Rs. 2.45 lakh crores, I urged the Government to allocate a small portion of funds for senior citizen concession on railway tickets and resume the subsidy for their welfare.

MP Supriya Sule’s Remarks | J&K Reorganisation Bill & Govt. of UT Bill, 2023

MP Supriya Sule’s Remarks | J&K Reorganisation Bill & Govt. of UT Bill, 2023

MP Supriya Sule | Supplementary Demands for Grants 2023 24 & Demands for Excess Grants for 2020 21


MP Supriya Sule's Remarks | Zero Hour | Supriya Sule on Employee Pension Scheme | EPS 95

MP Supriya Sule's Remarks | Zero Hour | Supriya Sule on Employee Pension Scheme | EPS 95 Raised the urgent need to increase senior citizen pension under EPS-95 Scheme during Zero Hour in Lok Sabha today. As per the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation’s Annual Report 2022-23, there has been a steady growth in number of beneficiaries under Employees Pension Scheme 1995 (EPS-95) and 98% increase in Corpus fund in the past 5 years. But despite this, issues continue to persist in pension amounts disbursed. Over 1.8 million pensioners received a low pension of around ₹1,000 per month in 2022-23, which is the minimum monthly pension mandated under the scheme. Only a little over 26,000 beneficiaries received a pension exceeding ₹5,000 per month, and the average pension for formal sector workers is also around ₹1,506 per month. To ensure social security of senior citizens, I urged the Centre to undertake following measures under the EPS 95 scheme. Firstly, the pension calculation formula must be revisited. Secondly, safeguards should be implemented to prevent the halving of pensions when a pensioner passes away before their spouse's receipt. Thirdly, periodic revisions of pensions should occur in proportion to the cost-of-living index. The minimum monthly pension should also be increased for the well-being of retired workers. I requested the government to take these steps for the welfare of senior citizens to ensure they get decent pension which is their hard earned money and their right to which they are entitled to

MP Supriya Sule's Remarks | The Central Universities Amendment Bill,2023

MP Supriya Sule's Remarks | The Central Universities Amendment Bill,2023

MP Supriya Sule's Remarks | The J&K ReservationAmendBill & J&K Reorganisation AmendBill, 2023

MP Supriya Sule's Remarks | The J&K ReservationAmendBill & J&K Reorganisation AmendBill, 2023 #supriyasule #supriyasulespeaks #ncp
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